LangGraph GUI Setup on Windows

This guide will help you set up and run the LangGraph GUI application, both backend and frontend, on a Windows environment.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Python or Conda
  • npm
  • Ollama

Backend Setup

  1. Open a PowerShell Terminal
    Open a PowerShell terminal window to start the setup process.

  2. Create a Conda Environment (Optional)
    Create a new Conda environment for the LangGraph backend:
    conda create --name langgraph-backend python=3.11

    Activate your new environment:

    conda activate langgraph-backend
  3. Clone the Backend Repository
    Clone the LangGraph backend repository from GitHub:
    git clone
  4. Navigate to the Backend Directory
    Change directory to the backend project folder:
    cd LangGraph-GUI-backend
  5. Install Python Dependencies
    Install the required Python packages using pip:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Start the Backend Server
    Run the backend server:
    mkdir src/workspace
    cd src/workspace
    python ../

Frontend Setup

  1. Open Another PowerShell Terminal
    Open a new PowerShell terminal window.

  2. Clone the Frontend Repository
    Clone the LangGraph frontend repository from GitHub:
    git clone
  3. Navigate to the Frontend Directory
    Change directory to the frontend project folder:
    cd LangGraph-GUI-frontend
  4. Install Node.js Dependencies
    Use npm to install the required packages:
    npm install
  5. Start the Frontend Server
    Launch the frontend server:
    npm start

Ollama Setup

  1. Open Another PowerShell Terminal
    Open another PowerShell terminal window.

  2. Start Ollama
    Run the Ollama service:

    ollama serve


After completing the steps above, you should have the backend and frontend servers running along with the Ollama service. You can now access the LangGraph GUI through your web browser at http://localhost:3000.


  • Ensure all terminal windows remain open while running the servers.