1# Edge.py 2 3from PySide6.QtWidgets import QGraphicsPathItem 4from PySide6.QtCore import Qt, QPointF 5from PySide6.QtGui import QPen, QPainterPath 6 7class Edge(QGraphicsPathItem): 8 def __init__(self, source_port): 9 super().__init__() 10 self.source_port = source_port 11 self.source_id = source_port.parentItem().data.uniq_id 12 self.setPen(QPen(Qt.black, 2)) 13 self.setZValue(-1) 14 self.destination_port = None 15 self.destination_id = None 16 self.update_position() 17 self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) 18 19 def update_position(self, end_point=None): 20 path = QPainterPath() 21 start_point = self.source_port.scenePos() 22 if end_point: 23 control_point_1 = QPointF(start_point.x() + 50, start_point.y()) 24 control_point_2 = QPointF(end_point.x() - 50, end_point.y()) 25 path.moveTo(start_point) 26 path.cubicTo(control_point_1, control_point_2, end_point) 27 elif self.destination_port: 28 end_point = self.destination_port.scenePos() 29 control_point_1 = QPointF(start_point.x() + 50, start_point.y()) 30 control_point_2 = QPointF(end_point.x() - 50, end_point.y()) 31 path.moveTo(start_point) 32 path.cubicTo(control_point_1, control_point_2, end_point) 33 else: 34 path.moveTo(start_point) 35 path.cubicTo(start_point, start_point, start_point) 36 self.setPath(path) 37 38 def set_destination(self, destination_port): 39 self.destination_port = destination_port 40 self.destination_id = destination_port.parentItem().data.uniq_id 41 self.update_position() 42 source_node = self.source_port.parentItem().data 43 dest_node = self.destination_port.parentItem().data 44 source_node.nexts.append(self.destination_id) 45 dest_node.prevs.append(self.source_id) # Add to prevs 46 47 def remove(self): 48 if self in self.source_port.edges: 49 self.source_port.edges.remove(self) 50 if self in self.destination_port.edges: 51 self.destination_port.edges.remove(self) 52 if self.destination_id in self.source_port.parentItem().data.nexts: 53 self.source_port.parentItem().data.nexts.remove(self.destination_id) 54 if self.source_id in self.destination_port.parentItem().data.prevs: 55 self.destination_port.parentItem().data.prevs.remove(self.source_id) # Remove from prevs 56 self.scene().removeItem(self) 57 58 def hoverEnterEvent(self, event): 59 self.setPen(QPen(Qt.red, 2)) # Change color on hover 60 self.setCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor) 61 super().hoverEnterEvent(event) 62 63 def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event): 64 self.setPen(QPen(Qt.black, 2)) # Revert color on hover exit 65 self.unsetCursor() 66 super().hoverLeaveEvent(event)
8class Edge(QGraphicsPathItem): 9 def __init__(self, source_port): 10 super().__init__() 11 self.source_port = source_port 12 self.source_id = source_port.parentItem().data.uniq_id 13 self.setPen(QPen(Qt.black, 2)) 14 self.setZValue(-1) 15 self.destination_port = None 16 self.destination_id = None 17 self.update_position() 18 self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) 19 20 def update_position(self, end_point=None): 21 path = QPainterPath() 22 start_point = self.source_port.scenePos() 23 if end_point: 24 control_point_1 = QPointF(start_point.x() + 50, start_point.y()) 25 control_point_2 = QPointF(end_point.x() - 50, end_point.y()) 26 path.moveTo(start_point) 27 path.cubicTo(control_point_1, control_point_2, end_point) 28 elif self.destination_port: 29 end_point = self.destination_port.scenePos() 30 control_point_1 = QPointF(start_point.x() + 50, start_point.y()) 31 control_point_2 = QPointF(end_point.x() - 50, end_point.y()) 32 path.moveTo(start_point) 33 path.cubicTo(control_point_1, control_point_2, end_point) 34 else: 35 path.moveTo(start_point) 36 path.cubicTo(start_point, start_point, start_point) 37 self.setPath(path) 38 39 def set_destination(self, destination_port): 40 self.destination_port = destination_port 41 self.destination_id = destination_port.parentItem().data.uniq_id 42 self.update_position() 43 source_node = self.source_port.parentItem().data 44 dest_node = self.destination_port.parentItem().data 45 source_node.nexts.append(self.destination_id) 46 dest_node.prevs.append(self.source_id) # Add to prevs 47 48 def remove(self): 49 if self in self.source_port.edges: 50 self.source_port.edges.remove(self) 51 if self in self.destination_port.edges: 52 self.destination_port.edges.remove(self) 53 if self.destination_id in self.source_port.parentItem().data.nexts: 54 self.source_port.parentItem().data.nexts.remove(self.destination_id) 55 if self.source_id in self.destination_port.parentItem().data.prevs: 56 self.destination_port.parentItem().data.prevs.remove(self.source_id) # Remove from prevs 57 self.scene().removeItem(self) 58 59 def hoverEnterEvent(self, event): 60 self.setPen(QPen(Qt.red, 2)) # Change color on hover 61 self.setCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor) 62 super().hoverEnterEvent(event) 63 64 def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event): 65 self.setPen(QPen(Qt.black, 2)) # Revert color on hover exit 66 self.unsetCursor() 67 super().hoverLeaveEvent(event)
QGraphicsPathItem(self, parent: Optional[PySide6.QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem] = None) -> None QGraphicsPathItem(self, path: PySide6.QtGui.QPainterPath, parent: Optional[PySide6.QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem] = None) -> None
9 def __init__(self, source_port): 10 super().__init__() 11 self.source_port = source_port 12 self.source_id = source_port.parentItem().data.uniq_id 13 self.setPen(QPen(Qt.black, 2)) 14 self.setZValue(-1) 15 self.destination_port = None 16 self.destination_id = None 17 self.update_position() 18 self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True)
update_position(self, end_point=None):
20 def update_position(self, end_point=None): 21 path = QPainterPath() 22 start_point = self.source_port.scenePos() 23 if end_point: 24 control_point_1 = QPointF(start_point.x() + 50, start_point.y()) 25 control_point_2 = QPointF(end_point.x() - 50, end_point.y()) 26 path.moveTo(start_point) 27 path.cubicTo(control_point_1, control_point_2, end_point) 28 elif self.destination_port: 29 end_point = self.destination_port.scenePos() 30 control_point_1 = QPointF(start_point.x() + 50, start_point.y()) 31 control_point_2 = QPointF(end_point.x() - 50, end_point.y()) 32 path.moveTo(start_point) 33 path.cubicTo(control_point_1, control_point_2, end_point) 34 else: 35 path.moveTo(start_point) 36 path.cubicTo(start_point, start_point, start_point) 37 self.setPath(path)
set_destination(self, destination_port):
39 def set_destination(self, destination_port): 40 self.destination_port = destination_port 41 self.destination_id = destination_port.parentItem().data.uniq_id 42 self.update_position() 43 source_node = self.source_port.parentItem().data 44 dest_node = self.destination_port.parentItem().data 45 source_node.nexts.append(self.destination_id) 46 dest_node.prevs.append(self.source_id) # Add to prevs
48 def remove(self): 49 if self in self.source_port.edges: 50 self.source_port.edges.remove(self) 51 if self in self.destination_port.edges: 52 self.destination_port.edges.remove(self) 53 if self.destination_id in self.source_port.parentItem().data.nexts: 54 self.source_port.parentItem().data.nexts.remove(self.destination_id) 55 if self.source_id in self.destination_port.parentItem().data.prevs: 56 self.destination_port.parentItem().data.prevs.remove(self.source_id) # Remove from prevs 57 self.scene().removeItem(self)
Inherited Members
- PySide6.QtWidgets.QGraphicsPathItem
- boundingRect
- contains
- extension
- isObscuredBy
- opaqueArea
- paint
- path
- setPath
- shape
- type
- PySide6.QtWidgets.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
- brush
- pen
- setBrush
- setPen
- PySide6.QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem
- acceptDrops
- acceptHoverEvents
- acceptTouchEvents
- acceptedMouseButtons
- addToIndex
- advance
- boundingRegion
- boundingRegionGranularity
- cacheMode
- childItems
- childrenBoundingRect
- clearFocus
- clipPath
- collidesWithItem
- collidesWithPath
- collidingItems
- commonAncestorItem
- contextMenuEvent
- cursor
- data
- deviceTransform
- dragEnterEvent
- dragLeaveEvent
- dragMoveEvent
- dropEvent
- effectiveOpacity
- ensureVisible
- filtersChildEvents
- flags
- focusInEvent
- focusItem
- focusOutEvent
- focusProxy
- focusScopeItem
- grabKeyboard
- grabMouse
- graphicsEffect
- group
- handlesChildEvents
- hasCursor
- hasFocus
- hide
- hoverMoveEvent
- inputMethodEvent
- inputMethodHints
- inputMethodQuery
- installSceneEventFilter
- isActive
- isAncestorOf
- isBlockedByModalPanel
- isClipped
- isEnabled
- isObscured
- isPanel
- isSelected
- isUnderMouse
- isVisible
- isVisibleTo
- isWidget
- isWindow
- itemChange
- itemTransform
- keyPressEvent
- keyReleaseEvent
- mapFromItem
- mapFromParent
- mapFromScene
- mapRectFromItem
- mapRectFromParent
- mapRectFromScene
- mapRectToItem
- mapRectToParent
- mapRectToScene
- mapToItem
- mapToParent
- mapToScene
- mouseDoubleClickEvent
- mouseMoveEvent
- mousePressEvent
- mouseReleaseEvent
- moveBy
- opacity
- panel
- panelModality
- parentItem
- parentObject
- parentWidget
- pos
- prepareGeometryChange
- removeFromIndex
- removeSceneEventFilter
- resetTransform
- rotation
- scale
- scene
- sceneBoundingRect
- sceneEvent
- sceneEventFilter
- scenePos
- sceneTransform
- scroll
- setAcceptDrops
- setAcceptHoverEvents
- setAcceptTouchEvents
- setAcceptedMouseButtons
- setActive
- setBoundingRegionGranularity
- setCacheMode
- setCursor
- setData
- setEnabled
- setFiltersChildEvents
- setFlag
- setFlags
- setFocus
- setFocusProxy
- setGraphicsEffect
- setGroup
- setHandlesChildEvents
- setInputMethodHints
- setOpacity
- setPanelModality
- setParentItem
- setPos
- setRotation
- setScale
- setSelected
- setToolTip
- setTransform
- setTransformOriginPoint
- setTransformations
- setVisible
- setX
- setY
- setZValue
- show
- stackBefore
- toGraphicsObject
- toolTip
- topLevelItem
- topLevelWidget
- transform
- transformOriginPoint
- transformations
- ungrabKeyboard
- ungrabMouse
- unsetCursor
- update
- updateMicroFocus
- wheelEvent
- window
- x
- y
- zValue
- GraphicsItemFlag
- GraphicsItemChange
- CacheMode
- PanelModality
- Extension
- UserType